We’re happy to announce the newest updates to the KaiNexus Showroom!
We got a lot of internal feedback on simplifying the Welcome board for easy and direct access to the content within. The entire navigation process has been polished up and now generates a more streamlined pathway to wherever you need to go within the Showroom. Each section has a brief description underneath with more information about what they entail. Don’t forget to check out the Board picker! Each Board has a tooltip for quick and easy details.
New Project and Improvement templates have been added to the Showroom. There was feedback about the addition of more templates and we’ve configured more customized layouts - including new A3’s, Improvements, Audits, and more! We’ve also integrated new KaiNexus platform enhancements into examples within the Showroom. Check out the new features within and charts and improvement templates in the KaiNexus Releases section.
Templates include:
As the system continues to grow and evolve, so will the KaiNexus Showroom! If you have a great idea for the Showroom or want to see what one of your own forms would look like in KaiNexus, reach out to your CE Lead. We want the KaiNexus Showroom to be a continuously updated and improved resource for all KaiNexus customers.
Enjoy the Showroom - and keep improving, everyone!