Aaaaah, KaiNexicon, the most wonderful time of year. Here at the KaiNexus office, we count down the days until KaiNexicon, just like children around the world do every December for the winter holidays.
Instead of stuffing stockings, we stuff goodie bags for attendees.
Instead of latkes, we eat tacos.
Instead of singing carols, we get Willie Kai-Nelson singing tunes on stage.
Instead of lighting eight candles, we have eight product huddles.
Instead of peeking out at night for reindeer, this year we took a bat cruise to see the world’s largest urban bat colony fly out from their home under the South Congress bridge at sunset - complete with mariachis, margaritas, and fajitas.
And instead of handing out presents, we hand out Nexie Awards to our most deserving customers.
All of that of course comes second to the spreading improvement knowledge and activities focused around KaiNexus. KaiNexicon 2019 was filled with speakers, activities, and sessions designed for our customers to get the most out of KaiNexus. These include old favorites such as SpeedNexus, KaiNexus Product Huddles, and the Banna-Rippey Show LIVE - as well as Keynote speakers Mark Graban, Jess Orr, and Jamie Parker.
My favorite part about KaiNexicon has to be having all our customers in town. There’s something special and indescribable about the feeling in the room when everyone shares their stories and learns from each other. This knowledge sharing means that attendees learn from others from across the world. People from all over the globe attended KaiNexicon this year! Our closest attendee lives right up the road in Austin, while another traveled all the way from New Zealand.
The most popular event of the year was, yet again, SpeedNexus. What is SpeedNexus, you ask?
Imagine speed dating. Except instead of awkward small talk with potential dates, you’re giving mini demos of your KaiNexus instance. With about three minutes per demo, attendees rotate around the room for an hour and a half, so that by the time it’s over, they’ve seen around 15 demos. The thing that makes this so cool is that, because the app is so configurable, everyone uses KaiNexus a little differently. By seeing small slices of the app as it’s being used at other organizations, attendees come away with all sorts of new ideas for their own companies.
I could wax poetic about the conference all day long, but to get the full picture of what it’s like, you’re going to have to join us in Austin for KaiNexicon 2020. We’ll be announcing dates and launching ticket sales soon, stay tuned! We can’t wait to see you KaiNext-year.
For more pics, check out our KaiNexicon album on Facebook! While you're there, be sure to like our Facebook page to stay in the loop.