KaiNexus Blog

Setting Up Your Balanced Scorecards in KaiNexus

Written by Matt Banna | Aug 15, 2019 6:13:00 PM

A balanced scorecard is an easy way to see the progress toward department and organizational goals and Key Performance Indicators. Without KaiNexus, you’ll need a balanced scorecard for each level of the organization, as well as for each department and team. Put a balanced scorecard in KaiNexus, however, and you’ll be able to view any part of the organization’s goals, projects, and progress to KPIs in an instant. 


This example balanced scorecard in KaiNexus shows four strategic priorities of the organization: Safety, Finance, Quality, and Mission & Culture. Each of these priorities also lists a description to show why the priority is important. Clicking any of the titles will lead to another dashboard that focuses directly on each priority, so that people can drill down into the relevant details.


Beneath each priority is an indicator for the progress of the biggest goal for that priority. For example, this organization is setting a goal to reduce the number of Lost Days, and they’re 93% of the way to that goal. The visuals here make it easy to see progress at a glance.


Each priority also lists the Key Performance Indicators and can be filtered to see each department or location's KPIs, instead of the overall organization level KPIs.


Lastly, all projects relating to each priority are visible, nested, and can be opened for details with a single click. This makes it easy to immediately find all the details you need.


Using KaiNexus for your balanced scorecards makes it easy to see your organization strategy and progress at every level.

Want to talk more about it, or need help setting this up? The KaiNexus Customer Experience Team can help! Contact your favorite KaiNexpert to get started.