Raise your hand if you've ever relied on CliffsNotes to pull you through when you needed a quick review of a book or help understanding it. Never because you didn't read the book, right? *Wink wink*
Well, with all the new releases KaiNexus puts out every year, you've probably found yourself wishing you had CliffsNotes for KaiNexus. Sure, we have a glorious Support Site lovingly updated after each release with release notes, new feature pages, and updates to everything else. But if you're anything like me, you miss a release every once in a while. (Don't worry, I won't rat you out to our developers. They'd be crushed.)
So, may I present to you, KaiNexus CEO Greg Jacobson presenting A Year in Review at KaiNexicon 2019 - basically, CliffsNotes for KaiNexus. He hits all the highlights of the past year's development in a 40 minute presentation full of jokes and sparkle. You can find more detail on our Support Site, but you'll have more fun here.
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