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Revamped Notifications, Chart History, and Other Cool Stuff

Posted by Ryan Rippey

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Nov 12, 2020 12:28:09 PM

2.4.9 is here with 24 improvements! Feel free to use that whole extra hour we got back (if you participate in Daylight Saving Time, that is) to check them out here:


We have completely revamped the Notifications window! The notification window has never been easier to get your work done in as you can now expand your notification window to see a detailed view of your items.

Notifications window


Accidentally cleared an important notification? Use the undo option to bring it back into the notifications window.

notification cleared

Marking a notification as read will keep it in your notifications window which you can use to leave as a to-do list and come back to later on.

mark notification as read

Reply to a Response on Comments

This release now allows you to reply to a response on comments. This enhances your ability to communicate and collaborate by offering better visualization of multi-leveled conversation threads within an item.

reply to a response on comments

Chart History

Wishing you could travel back in time to any day prior to 2020? While the KaiNexus time travel feature is still in development, the new Chart History feature can certainly help! View the updates to the data of a Chart and see the Chart’s evolution over time with Chart History. You can also Restore a Chart to a prior version at any point. The next time you make an update to a Chart in KaiNexus, click the ellipsis on the Chart and select Chart History in the drop-down menu to take advantage of this feature.

chart history


PRO TIP: To access a specific version update of the Chart, you can do so by clicking the in the “Timeline” panel of the Chart.

timeline chart history


"But Ryan, how many versions of my Chart are kept in KaiNexus?" Great question, friend. KaiNexus will keep:

  • Every saved version for 14 days
  • For versions greater than 14 days old, KaiNexus will keep the latest version per day
  • For versions greater than 30 days old, KaiNexus will keep the latest version per month
  • Beyond 30 days, KaiNexus will keep the latest version per month in perpetuity


Attribute Value Text on Item Lists

2.4.9 offers the ability to hide Attribute Value text from an Item List and Item Work Panel. This is a great way to enhance stoplight reporting and provide visual cues to users in KaiNexus. Be sure to reach out to your KaiNexus Customer Experience lead to take advantage of this feature.

attribute value text on item lists


PDF Enhancements

We are thrilled to let you know that a nested item list in Gantt view now respects its Gantt View when printing or saving an item to PDF.

print gantt view


If you’re interested in learning more about the 2.4.9 release, be sure to check out our Training Team Office Hours Webinar on this topic. To check out all our webinars over this past year, head over to our webinar library.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or need assistance with configuration of these features, be sure to reach out to your KaiNexus Customer Experience lead. Also, we definitely encourage you to check out the full 2.4.9 release notes.

Until Kai-next time, this has been your favorite KaiNexus Product Manager, Ryan Rippey, keep improving everyone!

Topics: Continuous Improvement Software

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