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Interview with Elisabeth Swan, 2024 KaiNexicon Keynote Speaker

Posted by Morgan Wright

Apr 18, 2024 10:45:00 AM

We are so excited to have Elisabeth Swan, President of Swan Consulting & Associates, Inc., and a Co-Founder of the Just-in-Time Cafe, joining us on stage at KaiNexicon this year as a Keynote Speaker. We asked Elisabeth a few questions about her background, her new book (which you'll have the chance to purchase at KaiNexicon), and what we can expect from her keynote. Check out what she had to say below:

Tell us a little bit about yourself and the work you do.

I have been a process improvement consultant for over 30 years, serving as a problem-solving ambassador and leadership thought partner in pursuit of operational excellence. Whether it’s a Fortune 100 organization, a government agency, or a local nonprofit, what drives me is leveraging the untapped skills of all employees—from leaders to frontline staff—to drive organizational success. Teaching is also a big part of my work life.

I make time to design and instruct continuous improvement courses for higher education institutions like UC San Diego, UC Davis, and the University of Denver. When not working with clients, I co-host a problem-solving podcast, “The Just-in-Time Cafe”, and moderate monthly webinars to foster a free learning nexus for problem solvers. The driving belief is that a rising tide lifts all boats. I learn as much as anyone else.

How did you get involved in the 'Lean world'?

My journey jumpstarted in an unexpected way. Early in my career, a veteran Lean Consulting firm tapped me for my writing and design skills to help them shape more effective workshops. My day job left time for me to perform on stage at night with ImprovBoston, until the seemingly disparate pursuits converged.

When the firm invited me to join the consulting team, it seemed the obvious conclusion. Consulting, like improv, requires constant invention within a clear structure. Continuous improvement frameworks set you free to push limits and experiment in pursuit of defined targets. It was, and still is, a perfect pairing. 

What inspired you to write your new book, Picture Yourself a Leader?

Covid brought an abrupt halt to travel—for me and many others—which provided unexpected time to catalogue a lifetime of lessons. Writing and reflecting morphed into a weekly blog highlighting the experiences that defined a successful, thirty-plus-year career. The post often turned into viral conversations.

Each blog closed with a key question for the problem-solving community and their curated answers became the “Wisdom of the Crowd” segment for each chapter. Sharing not just my learnings, but the stories and techniques of other thought leaders, was satisfying, community building, and slightly improvisational. A bit of improv that led to an award-winning book.

What are the key takeaways that attendees can expect from your keynote session?

Attendees will be able to glimpse the power and impact they routinely have on others, whether they know it or not. They can take home and experiment with simple adjustments and techniques to foster superior working relationships. They’ll be encouraged to better support a sense of purpose in themselves and others. They’ll feel free to adapt their habits to positively impact the cultures they’re a part of. And maybe enjoy a few unplanned laughs.

Learn more about Elisabeth Swan on her website, https://www.elisabethswan.com/, or on LinkedIn at linkedin.com/in/elisabethswan

Visit https://www.kainexus.com/kainexicon for more information about KaiNexicon, and contact your CSM if you need help registering. 

Topics: Change Management, Improvement Culture, KaiNexus User Conference

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