Quality Improvement Software Feature Checklist
March 30, 2020Of all the decisions that business leaders make, the choice to embrace continuous improvement is probably the easiest. After all, who...
Lean Software (In)Frequently Asked Questions
March 26, 2020We are big fans of FAQ blog posts, but sometimes, it is even more interesting to think about the questions that don’t get asked but should....
How to Prepare for Your Next Kaizen Event
March 23, 2020Kaizen events, also called rapid improvement events, or blitzes, are a useful way to implement positive change in short order. Still, it...
What Does Lean Software Do?
March 5, 2020When I get asked what Lean software does, I like to answer in two ways. First, I’ll address what it does in terms of functionality. What...
Quality Improvement Software Implementation Mistakes to Avoid.
February 26, 2020Most of our customers have had a fantastic experience implementing quality improvement software. Their teams are excited, energized, and...
What is Standard Work Software?
February 20, 2020Recently there has been a considerable increase in the number and types of businesses that are applying quality improvement techniques...
Lean Tools You Can Manage In the Cloud
February 13, 2020Organizations that adopt the Lean approach to business management have many tools and techniques to leverage. That’s one of the most...
Why Companies Invest in Quality Management Software
February 5, 2020These days, almost every company or department is operating with significant budget constraints. Especially when it comes to technology,...
Continuous Quality Improvement Tips for 2020
January 28, 2020We are fortunate to have the opportunity to talk to business leaders and managers about their goals for continuous improvement frequently....
Process Improvement Tools for New Managers
January 22, 2020Taking responsibility for managing the work of others for the first time can be somewhat intimidating. Now, you are in a position to...