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More Social Distancing Tips from Our CEO, Dr. Greg Jacobson

Posted by Mark Graban

Apr 15, 2020 2:00:00 PM

As we continue to practice social distancing every day, there might be some things that slip your mind when running essential errands. Greg Jacobson, MD has been sharing a lot of great tips and information about dealing with and protecting yourself from the Covid-19 pandemic. He was recently quoted in this article that has a lot of tips from Greg and other medical professionals:

Social Distancing Mistakes That Put You At Risk For Coronavirus

On the topic of masks, Greg said:

"...according to ER doctor Greg Jacobson, MD, "People don't wear a mask and, when they do, they don't take it off correctly. It's a mistake to take off their mask from the front and then touch the 'contaminated' area." To remove a mask safely, "wash your hands (with soap and hot water for 20 seconds), remove the mask from loops, and put it in a safe place and then wash your hands again," says Jacobson." 

Read more of Greg's thoughts on masks in this KaiNexus blog post.

Greg also warns about grocery store trips:

"People don't make a list, so they have to go back to the store too often," says Jacobson. Limit your shopping trips by planning ahead, and stock up as much as possible in one place.

Greg also suggests covering your eyes:

"People really should wear eye protection as well, if they are heading into a grocery store," says Jacobson. "Wear some glasses to remind yourself to not rub your eyes."

See more tips that we shared about going (or not going) to the grocery store

Thanks to "Eat This, Not That!" for sharing Greg's insights. You can read more of our Covid-19 blog posts (and Greg's daily emails) here on our website.