For the entire team at KaiNexus, the phrase "spread continuous improvement" is a driving mission statement. It's not just a business objective, it's something that we think can change the world. We truly believe that.
Our customers spread continuous improvement throughout their organizations. Often, this is person to person, team to team, department to department, and site to site. Our KaiNexus software supports them in this effort.
When we hear about big challenges in the world, such as the need to quickly and efficiently vaccinate as many people as possible against the coronavirus that causes Covid-19 illness, we know that people are doing great work to solve problems and to be more effective.
But how are they spreading continuous improvement across organizations, across states, and across countries?
When Helen Zak, the president and COO of the healthcare consulting and advisory firm Value Capture asked the following in a meeting, it caught my attention:
"How can we help organizations across the United States (and abroad) share with each other?"
In addition to my role with KaiNexus, I am affiliated with Value Capture as I work with some of their clients. So, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to connect the dots. KaiNexus... connects us! I mentioned this possibility of using KaiNexus and the team Value Capture was intrigued. They wanted their clients to have a way to share with each other, but their mission also drives them to think bigger than that.
I approached the leadership team at KaiNexus and they immediately jumped to the challenge, throwing their support behind the effort. Our director of marketing, Maggie Millard, has driven this effort with the support of others on the KaiNexus team. She has said multiple times that this effort is the most exciting project that she has worked on during her years with the company...
What we've put together has been dubbed VacciNexus by Maggie, a special-purpose, simplified version of our KaiNexus platform. It's available now... and it's free.
“VacciNexus” is a web-based system (accessed via a browser or the KaiNexus mobile app) and it's easy to use. VacciNexus is a simplified version of the KaiNexus platform that allows registered users to:
- Submit examples of vaccination process improvements (that have been implemented)
- Read improvements submitted by others
See, Solve, Share
VacciNexus is open to those who work for a healthcare organization (or a governmental agency) that is administering the Covid vaccine — in hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, nursing homes, pharmacies, convention centers, stadiums, or wherever.
To sign up for the VacciNexus system, click here. To invite others, you can also direct them to
Using VacciNexus
Once you log in, the system provides a simple interface for entering your improvement example. Ideally, people are sharing improvements that have already been tested (as part of a Plan Do Study Adjust) cycle. These aren't mere ideas or problems — they are things that have been implemented, as this allows others to “adopt and adapt” what they've seen into their own organization. Or, we know that viewing the ideas of others will prompt and spark your own creativity in your setting.

Here is an example of an improvement being submitted via the KaiNexus mobile app:

Whether you're using the browser or the mobile app, you can attach files, such as photos, and you can add links (to videos or other documents that can be reached over the internet).
Users can also search existing improvements or they can view lists that are sorted by impact categories.
And you can then view the detail of what was submitted, as illustrated by this mocked up example:

We've gotten the ball rolling by first inviting some personal connections and customers. Now that the proof of concept is there — early adopters are using it and are submitting improvement examples — we're happy to open this up to others.
Again, click here to sign up. For the fastest approval, be sure to use your work email address that shows that you work for a healthcare organization or government (not Gmail or other personal addresses).
I hope you'll join us. Thanks for what you do to improve the Covid vaccination process and thanks, in advance, for sharing!!! We'll help achieve this mission to spread continuous improvement!
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