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Introducing... A New Blog, Just For Our Customers!

Posted by Maggie Millard

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Jun 16, 2016 2:10:47 PM


Dear Customers,

As you probably know, our continuous improvement blog has really been picking up steam over the last couple of years. With a wide range of readers in every industry, at every stage of the improvement journey, and with mixed feelings and experience with improvement technology, we try to keep the KaiNexus speak to a minimum. 

We've heard from a bunch of you, though, that you'd be interested in a blog that focuses in on KaiNexus. Things like best practices, use cases, customer stories, new features. 

We hear you. 

We want to write more about KaiNexus too.

So, introducing, The KaiNexus Customer Blog!

In true Lean fashion, we'll be rolling this out slowly, evaluating and adjusting over time. We'll work on finding the right cadence for posting, talk to you guys about what you like and what you want more of, and dedicate more resources to blogging as time goes on.

To make this work, I need to hear from YOU! What do you want us to write about? What do you want to learn about? Who do you want to hear from? This is your blog, people. 

Speak up! Leave a comment and tell me what I should put on our list of future post ideas, or email your favorite KaiNexus team member with your ideas. Can't wait to hear from you!

Thanks for all of the support that makes launching this new blog possible. I can't wait to see where it takes us.

- Maggie Millard, Director of Marketing

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