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Why Gamification is Important Even When Actions Are Required

Posted by Morgan Wright

Apr 16, 2024 10:45:00 AM

You might wonder why you should utilize gamification tactics when individuals' work in KaiNexus is required. Even when work is required, without an engaged staff, the quality of work could decrease, and the effort given by users could quickly dwindle. We can leverage the power of gamification to breathe life into these "must-do" activities and reignite user enthusiasm. By incorporating gamification elements like badges, we can transform the mundane into the meaningful, fostering long-term engagement and employee satisfaction.

Remember, while getting the job done is crucial, neglecting the intrinsic human desire for enjoyment and recognition can lead to burnout and decreased overall performance.

So, let's dive into how badges, as a key gamification element, can help you create a win-win scenario for both completing required work and user engagement.

  1. Motivation Matters: Mandatory tasks can feel repetitive. Badges add fun and recognition, transforming a "have to" into a "want to." Earning badges acts as a reward, which triggers the dopamine system in the brain, fueling that user's Habit Loop to continue doing this action! 

  2. Friendly Competition: Create a leaderboard to create healthy competition, encouraging users to strive for improvement and support each other in achieving goals. Create a Badge Card on a shared Board your users can access, such as an announcement Board, where users can easily see where they and their peers fall on the leaderboard. Refer back to this Card on this Board to ensure people know where to find it. 

  3. KaiNexus Rockstars Emerge: Badges highlight top performers, helping leaders recognize and reward excellence. As a Leader, you can use Badges to identify high performers and easily shout them out based upon who is earning Badges. Public recognition motivates individuals and inspires others to follow suit.

  4. Early Intervention: On the other hand, it's easier to identify users struggling to earn badges, meaning they aren't taking the particular actions you need them to in the system. This allows leaders to offer timely support and coaching, preventing issues before they snowball.

  5. Meaningful Progress: Break down large tasks into smaller, badge-worthy achievements. This creates a sense of progress, making the journey feel less daunting. For example, earning a Badge for a user submitting their first idea or collaborating on a project will help give users a roadmap of the actions they should be taking. 

Remember, if you want to create Custom Badges:

  • Badge Design Matters: Make badges visually appealing and relevant to your company culture. Connect them to a specific call to action, company colors, or fun icons. If you have the Custom Badge Module and need help with Badge creation, let your CSM know. 

  • Variety is Key: Offer a range of badges for different achievements, keeping things fresh and motivating.

  • Communication is Crucial: Explain the purpose of badges and how they contribute to success. Badges will have even more of an impact when users know Leaders are paying attention to them, too.

Don't underestimate the power of a little gamification! Badges, even in required tasks, can unlock a treasure trove of motivation, insights, and engagement for your users and leaders.

Bonus Tip: Consider integrating badges with external rewards programs or recognition platforms for added impact.

Get started, unlock potential, and watch your users "badge" their way to success!

Topics: Employee Engagement, Continuous Improvement Software

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