How to Improve Business Processes with Kaizen
February 1, 2021Most organizations don't have a single solution for addressing all business process hurdles. Even those that spend time and money managing...
4 Big Problems With Online Suggestion Boxes
January 25, 2021We applaud any effort to collect employee ideas for improvement. These days with remote work becoming more popular (and often necessary due...
Lean Manufacturing Software Buyer’s Guide
January 18, 2021While it was initially deployed in the automotive sector, the Lean manufacturing management methodology has gained momentum in almost every...
11 Reasons to Implement Improvement Software
January 11, 2021Organizations that implement software designed to support, track, and align daily continuous improvement work gain big advantages over the...
What Types of Organizations Need Improvement Software?
January 5, 2021We are often asked, “What types of businesses need continuous improvement software?” Our typical answer is that businesses in every...
How Software Supports 10 Popular Improvement Techniques
December 28, 2020Organizations that adopt the continuous improvement approach to business management have many tools and techniques at their disposal. Some...
Kaizen Thinking: 4 Ideas to Shape Your Outlook
December 21, 2020In Japanese, 'Kaizen" means "good change" (Kai = change, Zen = good). Kaizen describes a corporate philosophy of continuous improvement...
How (and Why) to Standardize Leadership
December 15, 2020While most people agree that process operations should be standardized as much as possible, the topic of standardizing leadership comes up...
A Quick Guide to 5S Workplace Organization
December 7, 2020The 5S workplace organization technique is a prevalent methodology that companies can use to improve operations. The intent is to improve...
10 Principles Of Process Improvement in Manufacturing
December 16, 2020Manufacturing organizations undertake process improvement efforts to improve quality, reduce costs, and meet ever-evolving customer...