The Value of Logging Small Ideas in Improvement Tracking Software
April 2, 2015The Little Things Matter
Recently, I received a virtual badge from KaiNexus for submitting my 50th Opportunity for Improvement. If you saw...
Employee Participation in Improvement and Innovation
August 28, 2015Employee Participation Matters.
Over the years I have visited with hundreds of business leadership teams to talk about improvement and...
3 Reasons to Give Incremental Improvement a Try
September 29, 2023Incremental Improvement: Small and Steady
When attempting to solve organizational problems, it’s tempting to focus all of your efforts on...
Why Suggestion Boxes Fail
March 20, 2015Is There a Better Way?
Many organizations want to harness the ideas for improvement that naturally exist in their employees. Unfortunately,...
Use Idea Software to Maximize Your Company's Creative Potential
August 28, 2015Nurture Ideas with Improvement Software
Discounting the time we sleep, we spend more than 50% of our time working. While working, many of...
Are You Too Busy For Incremental Improvement?
March 18, 2015Incremental Improvement Works.
“Everything takes time. Bees have to move very fast to stay still.” ― David Foster Wallace
There are many...
3 Components of an Effective Kaizen Management System
April 18, 2018What It Takes for Your Kaizen Management System to Be a Success
Does “Kaizen,” or “good change” happen naturally in an organization? In my...
Creating a Successful Suggestion System
April 12, 2017Identify, Act, Resolve, Recognize!
Imagine if your boss stood up at your next company meeting and challenged you to create a suggestion...
Continuous Improvement: A Key Part of a Lean Management System
April 14, 2015Continuous Improvement Never Ends
A few years ago I was talking with the CEO of a large US corporation about Lean management. I asked him...