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Common Questions About Lean Management & Lean Software

December 5, 2022

The Lean management methodology was first developed based on the management techniques of Toyota and other Japanese automakers. While it...

An Introduction to the Lean Concept of Catchball

October 11, 2023

Most of us have memories of playing the game of catch either as children or with our children. I really shouldn’t call it a “game” because...

The Indispensable Role of Middle Management in Lean

November 16, 2022

Many organizations that seek to implement the Lean business methodology find that their structure is too rigid and bureaucratic to...

How Visual Management Tools Start & Sustain Improvement

November 3, 2022

Visual management tools surround us. Although they are so ubiquitous, we might not even think about them. For example, when your car is...

How to Use The Hoshin Kanri X-Matrix to Deploy Your Strategic Plan

October 19, 2022

Now is the time of year when many leaders turn their thoughts to crafting the strategic plan for next year. In most cases, this involves...

What is Lean Project Management? Principles & Benefits

September 29, 2022

Lean project management is the application of Lean manufacturing principles to the discipline of project management. While most of the...

How is the Lean Methodology Practiced in Healthcare?

September 27, 2022

The Lean methodology is a set of practices, tools, and principles that business leaders initially developed to help manufacturing...

Six Sigma FAQ: Which Tools are Commonly Used for DMAIC?

September 21, 2022

The Six Sigma business methodology aims to eliminate waste and defects. It also aims to reduce variation in business processes. Efforts to...

Quick Guide: Process Thinking in Operations Management

April 18, 2024

James Womack and Dan Jones are the founders of the Lean Enterprise Institute and the Lean Enterprise Academy (UK), respectively. Their...