How to Convince Your Boss to Invest in Kaizen Software
March 22, 2017Selling up can be tough. If you believe that your organization could benefit from Kaizen software, but your boss (or whoever has to approve...
The Value of Lean in Professional Services Firms
October 11, 2023While the legal profession is considered one of the oldest, dating back to Roman times, as Karen and David Skinner pointed out in a recent ...
Using Technology to Target the 8 Wastes of Lean
March 20, 2017Lean organizations target 8 types of waste in an effort to create the perfect flow of value to the customer. Ideally, no resources are used...
A Patient Safety Week Reminder About Continuous Improvement
March 17, 2017In the United States, multiple estimates say over 100,000 people die each year in hospitals as a result of medical errors. There are an...
Vet the Plan: A Guide To The Dilemma Of Planning in PDSA
March 16, 2017In my last post, we reflected on PDSA/PDCAand how different it becomes when thought of as a true cycle, rather than if considered in a...
When Good Gemba Walks Go Bad
March 15, 2017Fujio Cho is the honorary chairman of the Toyota Motor Corporation. He boils Lean leadership down to three simple responsibilities:
- Go see.
The Carnegie Foundation on Continuous Improvement in Education
February 19, 2024Continuous Improvement in Education has been rapidly growing over the past couple years. One group that deserves mention is the Carnegie...
The Intersection of Culture & Technology [Webinar Preview]
March 14, 2017If the amazing insights Matthew Cannistraro shared with listeners in the KaiNexus webinar The Intersection of Culture and Technology:...
Previewing How to Coach for Creativity and Service Excellence
February 11, 2020On March 28, KaiNexus will be hosting a webinar with Karyn Ross, who recently published the Shingo Award-winning book The Toyota Way to...