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The Advantages of Applying Lean in Education

April 18, 2024

America’s education system faces an enormously complex set of challenges. Educators find themselves faced with community and government...

Turning a PMO & Continuous Improvement into an Innovation Team

February 11, 2020

We love highlighting Lean success stories here at KaiNexus and so we were very excited when Erin Edwards, Continuous Improvement Manager at...

The Need for Lean in the Construction Industry

March 7, 2017

One of the most amazing things about Lean manufacturing principles is how universal they are. Lean - a management philosophy derived mostly...

What You Need to Know About Working at KaiNexus

March 6, 2017

Editor’s Note: For those of you who have anxiously been awaiting the news that KaiNexus is hiring (anyone? anyone?), I’m happy to announce...

Rhythm, Motion, Basketball and…Lean?

March 3, 2017

All my life, I’ve been an avid basketball fan. In my younger days, some would say I was a decent player, though many moons have passed...

Presenting at the Lean Construction Institute - Austin

March 2, 2017

The best part about being involved in a Lean Community is the community - and we’ve been thrilled to discover a thriving Lean community...

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Top 7 Most Important Features of Strategy Deployment Software

April 18, 2018

If you are considering investing in strategy deployment software to support your organization’s efforts to achieve your most important...

Incident Reporting is Only the Beginning

February 27, 2017

Have you seen the LifeLock commercial about the bank robbery? A group of robbers comes in with baseball bats and demand that everyone get...

The World’s Saddest Kaizen Board?

February 24, 2017

A friend who knows that I am interested in continuous improvement techniques of all sorts was visiting a relative in the ER in a California...