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Does Your Organization Have a Safety Net for DMAIC?

October 11, 2023

The DMAIC improvement cycle is the cornerstone of many successful continuous improvement programs. It is a repeatable, reliable process...

The Lean LEGO Manufacturing Continuous Improvement Story

June 22, 2023

LEGO bricks have been an iconic toy for decades. I grew up playing with them and I know that my children will grow up playing with them as...

Can You Do a Rapid Improvement Event Without Software?

July 21, 2016

Of course you can do a rapid improvement event without any software support. You can also walk the 20 miles to work and send memos via...

The Case for Lean Leadership Technology

January 26, 2017

In modern business, if something is important, it is almost always supported by technology. Sales and service teams use a CRM or ticket...

The Role of Continuous Improvement in Environmental Responsibility

July 21, 2016

Reducing environmental waste and shrinking a company’s carbon footprint are not easy tasks. Nonetheless, environmental improvements are...

Newsflash: KaiNexus Featured in Modern Healthcare!

July 12, 2016

We always think that it’s really cool when KaiNexus or one our staff members gets a shout-out from a publication. Recently, our CEO Greg...

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The Science Behind the Resistance to Change [Webinar on Demand]

July 21, 2016

Introducing new topics, standards, and philosophies is difficult. It can be even more difficult when you face resistance when introducing...

How’s Your Suggestion Box Working Out for You?

July 21, 2016

If you are delighted with the results you are getting from your suggestion box approach to finding employee ideas for improvement,...

A Call For a Fundamental Change to Our Medical Culture

February 16, 2017

Medical errors are now the third leading cause of death in the United States, according to John Hopkins Researchers. In 1999, the Institute...