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Maggie Millard

As the VP - KaiNexus, Head of Customer Experience, Maggie educates the continuous improvement community, KaiNexus customers, executives, managers, and staff in just about every industry you can think of about improvement principles and KaiNexus' continuous improvement software. Her desire to improve the American healthcare system combined with a love of spreading knowledge to the far reaches of the internet inspires her work with KaiNexus every day. Maggie graduated from the College of William and Mary in 2010 with a BA in History. She spends her free time hanging out with her two kids and furbabies in the mountains of Virginia.
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Recent Posts

Common Conceptions that Hinder Continuous Process Improvement

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I’ve been sitting here for five minutes debating with myself over whether to title this blog “Common Conceptions that Hinder Continuous...

Introducing KaiNexus Kiss: The Relationship Add-On

April 1, 2017

Years ago, at the first KaiNexus User Conference, I had a conversation with one of our customers (shout out to the awesome Chris Luckett...

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Idea Boards: The Case for Change

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Behind every improvement technique and tool there is a winning spirit. There is no downside to the ideas that processes can always be...

The Top Ten Worst Things You Could Do on a Gemba Walk

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Gemba walks can be one of the most enjoyable and powerful learning opportunities for leaders, but only if they are done in a way that...

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The Value of Lean in Professional Services Firms

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While the legal profession is considered one of the oldest, dating back to Roman times, as Karen and David Skinner pointed out in a recent ...

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Using Technology to Target the 8 Wastes of Lean

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Lean organizations target 8 types of waste in an effort to create the perfect flow of value to the customer. Ideally, no resources are used...

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A Patient Safety Week Reminder About Continuous Improvement

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In the United States, multiple estimates say over 100,000 people die each year in hospitals as a result of medical errors. There are an...

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When Good Gemba Walks Go Bad

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Fujio Cho is the honorary chairman of the Toyota Motor Corporation. He boils Lean leadership down to three simple responsibilities:

  1. Go see.

Previewing How to Coach for Creativity and Service Excellence

February 11, 2020

On March 28, KaiNexus will be hosting a webinar with Karyn Ross, who recently published the Shingo Award-winning book The Toyota Way to...