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What Standard Work is NOT

November 14, 2016

Standard Work establishes the best, safest, and most efficient sequences and methods for each process and each task that's being done in a...

KaiNexus User Conference Wrap-Up

November 11, 2016

During this year’s KaiNexus User Conference, we brought together some of the best and brightest continuous improvement professionals...

One Off the Wall Way to Make Your Huddle Boards Better

November 10, 2016

Huddle boards are great. They serve as a powerful visual management tool and bring people together around improvement efforts. People feel...

The Lean Leadership Essentials

April 18, 2018

The Lean paradigm is not just a set of tools and techniques for structured improvement. It is also a state of mind that brings increasing...

Can Hippo Leadership Please Be the Next Trend in Business Management?

November 7, 2016

Many of you read my post last week about a Stanford Business article regarding problems inherent to top-down teams and how to solve them....

Thoughts on 3 Problems with Top-Down Teams in an Improvement Culture

November 3, 2016

Our VP of Sales sent me an email this morning regarding a Stanford Business article he found by Luke Stangel entitled “Three Problems with...

Why You Need Change Management Software for the 3 Phases of Change

November 3, 2016

Merriam-Webster’s defines chaos as, “a state in which behavior and events are not controlled by anything.” You probably wouldn’t describe...

Visual Management is Good. Virtual Visual Management is Better.

November 1, 2016

Visual management can take a number of forms. I have an example in my own kitchen. I love to cook and that means I use a lot of kosher...

6 Reasons to Make Gemba Walks Part of Your Routine

November 1, 2016

I don’t know anyone these days who doesn’t have a full, if not overflowing, plate when it comes to work. We’re all trying to do more with...