Why Your Political Beliefs are Confusing, and How that Applies to Work
October 12, 2016First off, while this blog post may be about the extraordinary election going on in the United States, this is not a partisan plea. Sorry...
5 Lean Leadership Principles to Remember
October 11, 2023I’m sure you are all familiar with the saying, “Sometimes you can’t see the forest for the trees.” This idea is true in many ways. Parents...
Don’t Leave Your Visual Management Abilities in the Car
October 11, 2023The human brain processes visual images much more easily than it can text. That’s because processing visual information is innate. A...
The Lean Leadership Reading List
January 26, 2017Maybe it is just me, but I always feel a little caught off guard this time of the year when I walk into Target or the grocery store and see...
Think You Are Credible? Think Again.
August 11, 2016When it comes to gaining traction for a change in an organization, credibility trumps reason. Establishing such credibility demands we are...
XYZ Thinking: Practical View of Scientific Thinking in Healthcare
July 29, 2016The greatest achievements are often accomplished from scientific thinking. Scientific thinking can be applied to any industry, especially...
Gemba Walks: Your Search for 85% of Your Organization's Problems
June 8, 2016Dr. W. Edwards Deming, a towering intellect whose thinking about improvement affected a quality revolution of gargantuan significance on...
Lean Leadership: A Delicate Balancing Act
January 26, 2017We are lucky enough to have the opportunity to chat with people who lead Lean organizations all of the time. One question we like to ask...