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6 Requirements for Effective Strategy Deployment

November 2, 2018

As the end of 2018 quickly approaches, many management teams are somewhere in the process of preparing the plan for 2019. Regardless of...

Perseverance: Why It Matters & How to Develop It

October 26, 2018

What does perseverance mean to you?

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Shake Up the Status Quo by Crowdsourcing Innovation

October 26, 2018

When people think of innovation, they often leap to major breakthroughs like a new treatment for illness, an alternative form of energy,...

Get More Impact from Improvement with Digital Visual Management

October 23, 2018

The human brain processes visuals significantly faster than text. Smart leaders take advantage of our ability to process and remember...

Why Software Needs to be Part of Your Lean Strategy

October 18, 2018

If you’ve decided to embrace the Lean business methodology, we offer our congratulations. It is an excellent approach to reducing waste,...

Toyota, Bourbon, and Continuous Improvement

October 19, 2018

One of the greatest benefits of working at KaiNexus is our commitment to learning and growth. I was thrilled when Kade Janssen and I were...

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How Digital Idea Boards Accelerate Innovation

October 16, 2018

We’ve written before about the reasons that traditional suggestion boxes rarely result in lasting positive change. The biggest problem is...

Lean Management Software: Why, What, and How?

October 12, 2018

The three most common questions we get about Lean management software are:

  • Why do we need it?
  • What does it do? And,
  • How do we implement...
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10 Common Standard Work Mistakes

October 12, 2018

Standard Work is a brilliantly simple concept. The current best practice for a process or activity is defined and then improved upon when...