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Using a Structured Continuous Improvement Cycle? Software Can Help.

November 28, 2018

Most organizations that practice continuous improvement whether within a business methodology like Lean or Six Sigma or independently...

What's an Idea Worth? The ROI of Continuous Improvement

November 26, 2018

As a company providing continuous improvement software to organizations of all sizes around the world in a wide variety of industries,...

The Fundamentals of a Lean Deployment Plan

November 21, 2018

If you’ve decided to set your organization on the path to Lean, that decision will likely be one of many that will bring measurable...

An Introduction to Strategy Deployment Software

November 20, 2018

Strategy deployment, often known in Lean circles as Hoshin Kanri or Policy Deployment, is a technique for ensuring that the strategic goals...

How To Measure the ROI of Continuous Improvement Efforts

September 29, 2023

You may or may not know that we host a regular webinar series, with topics ranging from employee engagement and the ROI of continuous...

3 Awesome Benefits of Lean Project Management Software

November 21, 2018

The Lean business management methodology prizes an optimized flow of value to the customer with as little waste as possible. Waste is...

Common Strategy Deployment Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

November 7, 2018

We just rolled the clocks back, so chances are you are either getting started or are well into your strategic planning exercises for 2019....

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The Connection between Civic Engagement and Employee Engagement

October 11, 2023

I’m going to do something that everyone who writes a business blog knows is a dangerous idea. I’m going to talk about the 2016 American...

The Bedrock Principles of Continuous Quality Management

November 2, 2018

Continuous quality management (CQM) does not look the same in every organization. Some practice CQM as part of a business management...