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The Use of Control Charts for Non-Manufacturing Activities

April 17, 2019

Many of the continuous improvement tools and techniques that we write about in this blog originated in the manufacturing industry. This...

From Paper to Software: The Evolution of A3 Problem Solving

April 17, 2019

Before we dig into the topic of A3 problem solving and software, here’s a little peek into how the sausage is made for this blog. One of...

7 Tips for Asking Your Boss for a Bigger Continuous Improvement Budget

February 26, 2020

Originally Published 12/20/2016. Updated 12/21/2017.

I don’t know about you guys, but I permanently have a wishlist a mile long of software...


How Hoshin Kanri Attacks 9 Tough Improvement Challenges

March 8, 2018

Hoshin Kanri is a management technique designed to steer an organization towards its most important long-term goals without sacrificing the...

The Essential CQI (Continuous Quality Improvement) Glossary

December 20, 2017

CQI, like many other disciplines, has a language all its own. Many of the terms are acronyms, others are Japanese words retained from...

Why More People Look for Continuous Improvement Software in December

January 9, 2018

I can always tell when the end of the year is coming up because visits to my website and requests for demos skyrocket.

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A Quick Guide to DMAIC for Beginners

December 19, 2017

If you are new to continuous improvement or just interested in trying out a new technique, this guide to DMAIC is for you. We’ll explain...

A Pro Tip for Getting More Out of Your Investment in Lean Consultants

December 13, 2017

When starting a new project or initiative, it's helpful to call an expert. Sports coaches, tutors, and even chefs, offer their services to...

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What to do After a Kaizen Event so Improvement Doesn’t End

December 13, 2017

I think we’ve all heard stories about “backsliding” or a lack of sustainment after formal Kaizen Events. When we plan and conduct a Kaizen...

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