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Insights into Tech and Healthcare from General Assembly Austin

February 11, 2020

Last night, our CEO and Co-Founder Dr. Greg Jacobson was invited to host a panel at the General Assembly Tech and Healthcare event in...

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7 Unexpected Benefits of Kaizen Events

March 21, 2018

Leaders typically deploy Kaizen events when there is a difficult or urgent challenge that needs to be addressed in short order. The obvious...

If You’re Going to Set a Goal, Make it Big, Hairy, and Audacious

August 11, 2017

Recently, I read this article by Quint Studer: “Set 'Big Hairy Audacious Goals'.” A “big hairy audacious goal,” as the author Jim Collins...

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No Time for Gemba Walks? Spend More Time On Gemba Walks.

August 10, 2017

In talking with business leaders over the years, we’ve learned that Gemba Walks are a bit like eating better and getting more exercise....

Think Outside the Electronic Suggestion Box

August 7, 2017

Employee suggestion boxes have been around for… well, we have no idea, so we’ll go with… ever. On some level, business leaders...

Webinar Preview: How to Leverage Lean for Long-Term Success

October 11, 2023

There are lots of reasons to subscribe to the KaiNexus blog, but one of the best ones is that you get a heads up about all upcoming...

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Five Lean Manufacturing Principles You Might Not Know

November 4, 2017

Learning about Lean systems is often exciting and motivating for organizations eager to create sustainable long-term business success. One...

Why Process Control Charts are a Roadmap to Improvement

August 2, 2017

Organizations that subscribe to the Lean or Six Sigma business methodology, and others that are devoted to continuous improvement, often...