Ideas for Spreading Improvement from Our Lady of the Lake Hospital
July 31, 2017Here at KaiNexus, we often get a peek into some of the truly remarkable improvement initiatives and work that organizations undertake to...
Enhancing the Power of Idea Boards with Improvement Software
July 28, 2017Idea boards have been used for quite some time now as a way to engage staff in continuous improvement. They're an excellent improvement on...
Strength in Numbers: Improving from the Bottom-Up [Webinar Preview]
July 26, 2017I was so excited to do this podcast interview with Mark Graban about tomorrow's webinar, I just had to share it with you all here on the...
How Leading Companies are Improving Visual Management [WEBINAR]
July 21, 2017In a recent webinar titled Taking Improvement Boards Digital: How Leading Companies are Improving Visual Management, our CEO and Co-founder...
10 Tips for a Successful Gemba Walk
July 20, 2017When we chat with leaders about how they are using various continuous improvement tools and techniques, Gemba Walks are often a hot topic....
From the Model A to the Model 3: The Cost of Failing to Improve
October 11, 2023The definition of opportunity cost is "a benefit that a person could have received, but gave up, to take another course of action. Stated...
8 Important Questions about Kaizen Events, Answered
July 18, 2017Kaizen events are an effective way to implement changes quickly. They are also a great way to get team members involved in improvement and...
How Lean Coaching is Different for Bottom-Up Improvement
July 18, 2017A sustainable culture of continuous improvement needs five things: bottom-up improvement, top-down improvement, strategy deployment,...
CQI Software: Advantages Beyond Project Management
July 11, 2017We recently had an interesting conversation with a newly minted director of quality improvement in a regional hospital. The position is...