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Not Every Organization is Ready for PI Software. Is Yours?

February 11, 2020

It may seem odd for a company that sells process improvement software to declare that not every company is ready to buy it. We do like...

The Trick to Implementing Efficient Bottom-Up Improvement

July 6, 2017

Organizations all over the world, in almost every industry, are turning to continuous improvement software to solve their most challenging...

Implementing Lean Software? We’ve Got Tips.

July 5, 2017

Most people will only be involved in a Lean software implementation once or maybe a few times. We help companies with improvement software...

Common Questions About Process Control Charts

April 17, 2019

There is a strong trend in organizations these days to apply improvement tools and techniques that originated on the manufacturing floor to...

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How Improvement Software Makes Hoshin Kanri More Effective

March 8, 2018

Hoshin Kanri is a Lean management technique for getting strategy, tactics, and improvement efforts in sync across the entire organization....

5 Unexpected Benefits of Improving from the Bottom Up

June 26, 2017

What are the traits you look for when you hire new employees? If you’re like most people, you’re looking for employees that are...

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Deciding to Take the Leap: A Look at Improvement Software

June 22, 2017

Deciding when to move from a paper system of managing continuous improvement to a digital system is tough. You know that you're not as...

Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) and Snow Cones

June 21, 2017

Preface: I’m in northern California today. Summer doesn’t even officially begin for three days and it is 107 degrees! So, the fact that I...