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Running in Dress Shoes: A Cautionary Tale

February 7, 2017

The most common objection we hear from people considering continuous improvement software is that their culture isn't ready yet. They liked...

Lean Healthcare Blog Roundup

July 21, 2015

The application of Lean principles in healthcare organizations is a growing trend in the United States. Although initially developed as a...

Kaizen Software Questions that aren’t Asked Frequently Enough

July 21, 2015

We love a good FAQ blog post, but once in a while, it can be even more enlightening to ponder the questions that don’t get asked, but...

18 Signs That You're Addicted to Continuous Improvement [SlideShare]

July 21, 2015

We spend so much time thinking about continuous improvement, talking about continuous improvement, and practicing continuous improvement...

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Gemba Walk FAQs

June 7, 2016

Like many terms used by companies looking to achieve continuous improvement, "gemba walk" originated in Japan. The original Japanese name...

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Quick Guide to the Language of Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)

April 23, 2015

It is not unusual for an industry or profession to develop a language all its own. Doctors and lawyers, for example, toss around terms and...

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If Your Improvement Methodology Doesn't Look Like This, It's Wrong.

April 30, 2015

People ask us all the time which process improvement discipline works best. Honestly, though, it's not one size fits all! It takes a little...

The Evidence-Based ROI of Continuous Improvement

July 22, 2015

If you've been following along with our blog, you likely know that continuous improvement is a powerful tool for helping organizations meet...

9 Reasons Your Suggestion Box Failed

July 21, 2016

Suggestion boxes are a common, but ineffective, way to engage employees in continuous improvement. They’re usually implemented with the...