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How KaiNexus Helps Me Be A Better Coach

February 1, 2017

In my role as a coach and consultant, I’ve helped many healthcare organizations embrace and adopt a “Kaizen” style of continuous...

Cultivating A Lean Culture with Intention and Attention

April 18, 2018

Depending on where you are right now, it might be hard to believe, but spring is upon us. Yesterday was the first day that it was warm...

12 Women in Continuous Improvement That You Should Know

November 4, 2017
Sunday March 8 was " International Women's Day" and the 2015 theme couldn't have been any more appropriate for the work we do at KaiNexus,...

Patient Safety Highlight: Is Maternity Care Unnecessarily Dangerous?

February 16, 2017

Everybody knows that American healthcare is the most expensive in the world. You’d think that those higher costs pay for safer births,...

Achieve Timely Breakthroughs with Rapid Continuous Improvement

March 19, 2015

Rapid Continuous Improvement is based on a concept developed in Japan known as Kaizen. Kaizen simply means “good change.” It is one of the...

Dr. Gregory Jacobson Once Again Takes the Reins as KaiNexus CEO

April 11, 2017

KaiNexus would like to announce the retirement of Allan Wilson. Dr. Gregory Jacobson, co-founder and original KaiNexus CEO, has replaced...

5 Reasons Jamie Flinchbaugh Is Awesome

March 19, 2015

Jamie Flinchbaugh is a lean author, speaker, and advisor. He co-founded the Lean Learning Center, and has advised companies such as Intel,...

4 Rocks to Look Under During Each Gemba Walk

June 7, 2016

Gemba Walks are an important part of many continuous improvement initiatives. They give leaders the occasion to visit the place where work...

Implement Hoshin Kanri Like A Pro

April 18, 2018

Most business leaders know that in order to be successful and meet customer expectations over the long run, a multi-year strategic plan is...