Rapid Improvement Cycles – The Engines of Positive Change
January 25, 2017According to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, a rapid improvement cycle is a "Quality improvement method that identifies, implements,...
Kaizen Event Best Practices
January 26, 2017Kaizen events are an effective way to implement significant improvements in short order. They are used to tackle all sorts of issues from...
Hesitant to Move to Improvement Software? You're Not Alone.
May 23, 2019As a guy that works on the Sales Team at KaiNexus, I often hear a lot of objections about making the move from paper and pencil, physical...
Common Questions About Strategy Deployment Software
April 18, 2018Strategy Deployment is a hot topic in continuous improvement circles these days. We’re delighted to see that because effective strategy...
3 Reasons Kaizen Boards Often Disappoint
March 21, 2018Every time we walk into a facility and see a Kaizen board, we are reminded about the excitement and sense of anticipation that most teams...
How to Increase Your Odds of Sustaining Innovations
January 26, 2017When I sat down to write about sustaining innovations, the word that popped into my mind was “entropy.” While entropy is a scientific term...
How to Lead an Improvement Culture without Being a Huge Jerk
February 16, 2017A common mistake companies make when rolling out a new culture of continuous improvement is to fail to provide leadership training to the...
How Workflow Software Accelerates Improvement
April 27, 2017Once organizations realize the value of daily continuous improvement and learn to leverage employee ideas for innovation, they often turn...
5 Ways to Strengthen a Kaizen Culture
April 17, 2019The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “culture” as, “The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an...