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What is Lean? A Basic Definition of Lean Manufacturing

June 1, 2022

Lean manufacturing, also known as Lean management, or Lean Six Sigma, is a structured business improvement method that helps organizations...

Lean Management: Definition, Principles, and Techniques

May 17, 2022

Lean management, also called Lean manufacturing, or just Lean, is a business methodology that helps organizations reach their most critical...

How to Become a Better Leader by Improving Processes

April 21, 2022

Many books and articles about good leadership focus on interpersonal relationship skills like communication, humility, and empathy. Of...

Unlocking Excellence: How to Improve Quality of a Process

June 5, 2023

When we talk with people who are interested in implementing a program for continuous quality improvement, one of the biggest challenges...

How to Leverage Process Behavior Charts: Webinar Recap

March 15, 2022

We had the honor of hosting a webinar with our Senior Adviser, Mark Graban, author of Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve...

The Agile Project Management Approach to Value Delivery

March 1, 2022

Agile project management is an iterative philosophy that focuses on delivering value frequently and getting quick feedback from internal...

Everything About Lean Product Management

June 22, 2023

Product managers fulfill a critical role in translating customer needs into product features and improvements. Unfortunately, often...

How Leaders Can Reap the Potential of Lean Innovation

June 22, 2023

When many people think about Lean processes and management, they assume that the goal is to optimize each process with a step-by-step...

Three Steps to Applying the A3 Problem-Solving Methodology

December 14, 2021

The A3 problem-solving methodology was first used by Toyota in the 1960s and later embraced by proponents of Total Quality Management, Six...