Maggie Millard
Recent Posts
Continuous Improvement Software vs. Excel
February 26, 2020There's an old saying that goes, “If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” I firmly believe that Microsoft Excel is the...
How to Host a Pre-Mortem Examination and Keep Your Projects Alive
July 21, 2015Have you ever had a project fail miserably, only to find out - too late - that there were people on your team who predicted exactly what...
5 Ways Whole Foods is Doing Right by Process Improvement
October 11, 2023Give Me Your Malcontents: Secrets to Innovation at Pixar
October 11, 2023I’m always on the lookout for stories about innovative companies, but it’s not often that I’m floored by what I find; innovative companies...
Exceptional Leaders of Innovation Lead Differently [TED Talk]
July 21, 2015Linda Hill is a business professor and ethnographer who throws conventional leadership wisdom out the window with her approach to leading...
The Kaizen Exploration: You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know
October 11, 2023Question: What was the tallest mountain on earth before Mt. Everest was discovered?
Troubleshoot Your Improvement Culture (For Free!)
July 22, 2015At KaiNexus, we know that it's really hard to establish a sustainable culture of continuous improvement. And when you're struggling to...
Continuous Improvement: Not Just for Manufacturers [Customer Story]
July 22, 2015A common misconception about continuous improvement is that it only applies to the manufacturing sector. While that is where its roots lie,...
eBook: Guide to Leadership Behaviors for Continuous Improvement
February 11, 2020If I had to name ONE element that has the power to make or break a culture of continuous improvement in any organization, I'd say that it...