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10+ Lean Blogs That You Should Be Reading

July 1, 2020

For a topic with so many authors, students, practitioners, and leaders, it’s probably no surprise that there are a ton of blogs about Lean...

When Zero is the Only Acceptable Goal

June 23, 2020

The Utah Department of Transportation has an audacious goal. Zero fatalities. According to its website, “Zero Fatalities is all about...

Gemba Walk Do’s and Don’ts

June 18, 2020

Gemba Walks are an important part of many continuous improvement initiatives. They are designed to offer leaders the opportunity to observe...

The Interviewer’s Guide to Hiring for a Kaizen Culture

June 16, 2020

Organizations that practice kaizen work hard to maintain a culture centered around continuous improvement. The best defense against push...

4 Ways to Overcome Resistance to Change

June 9, 2020

When you ask people if they would like to be involved in continuous improvement, they are likely to say, “Of course!” But ask them if they...

Continuous Improvement & Employee Empowerment at The Standard Group

June 5, 2020

The Standard Group is a print management and marketing logistics company based in Reading, Pennsylvania. They specialize in everything from...

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The Improvement Project Version of 20 Questions

June 3, 2020

I'm sure you've all played the game 20 questions. The goal of the traditional parlor game is to uncover an object chosen by one player by...

CI Reporting Woes? How to Measure What Matters

May 28, 2020

Ever wonder why factories, warehouses, grocery stores, and other similar businesses usually have a sign that says something like,...


Quality Improvement Software User Adoption Tips

May 19, 2020

When most people evaluate improvement management software, they focus on the features of the solution, the support they will get from the...