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Checklist for Planning an Awesome Kaizen Event

February 12, 2020

Kaizen events are an effective tool for harnessing the innovative ideas and creativity of your workforce to implement rapid improvement in...

What if Your Team Isn't Finding New Opportunities for Improvement?

February 11, 2020

The topic of this blog is a question that we get quite often. Teams will implement a continuous improvement program with much enthusiasm...

Online Suggestion Box for Employees Engagement

June 5, 2023

If the internet is any clue, I’m not the only one who was prompted by its 10th anniversary to re-watch a bunch of old episodes of The...

What if There Was a Red Carpet for Positive Change?

January 21, 2020

It’s that time of year when all of the celebrities get dressed to the nines and viewers at home sit back and root for the movies, shows,...

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Employee Engagement Ideas to Try in the New Year

January 16, 2020

It’s hard to believe that 2020 is upon us already. The turn of the year is a time when business leaders and managers tend to reflect on the...

Three Insights Into Operational Excellence

January 15, 2020

The Shingo Institute is a program in the John M. Huntsman School of Business at Utah State University. It is named after Dr. Shigeo Shingo,...

What Does ROI Stand For and How to Increase It?

June 22, 2023

I know what you're thinking. First, What does ROI mean? And second, why and how does increasing ROI create more ROI? 

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5 Easy Improvement Ideas to Get Ready for 2020

December 27, 2019

I’m not sure about you, but at this time of the year, I don’t feel like tackling any major new projects. There seem to be a ton of...

Leadership Techniques for Overcoming Resistance to Change

August 25, 2022

People like to joke that the only things that never change are death and taxes, but that's just not true. If it were, you would never hear...