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Fundamental Skills Every Project Manager Must Master

November 19, 2019

The Project Management Institute (PMI) is a global nonprofit professional organization for project management. They wrote the book on...

4 Big Improvement Ideas to Set the Stage for Success in 2020

November 11, 2019

It seems like every year goes by faster than the last. I keep making plans to work on my summer tan, and suddenly, it's November. The...

The Case for Investing in Improvement Technology in a Recession

February 11, 2020

Is the US heading into a recession? This question has been coming up more often over the last few months as economic indicators have...

Beyond the Problem – Bonus Benefits of Kaizen Events

October 21, 2019

Kaizen events, sometimes called rapid improvement events, are an effective way of solving difficult challenges within organizations. A team...

Trick or Treat? The Scary Facts About Employee Engagement

October 17, 2019

It’s almost time for Halloween when all the ghosts and monsters come out of hiding to give folks a scare. Fortunately, it’s all in fun. But...

Should Lean Tools Be Used for Every Improvement?

October 14, 2019

Podcast: How Daily Tiered Huddles Work at Cleveland Clinic

September 16, 2019

When a group of us from KaiNexus attended the Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit in June, one of our favorite presentations was given by...

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Strategy Deployment Tips for 2020

August 28, 2019

It may seem early to start thinking about the strategic plan for 2020, but the kids are back in school, and pumpkin spice is on the...

Kaizen and the Art of Kintsugi: Redefining Perfection

August 21, 2019

As regular readers of this blog know, many of the ideas and practices that guide the modern continuous improvement movement have their...