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Austin Linn

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Breaking Down the Optimal Operational Excellence Model and Framework for Business Transformation

July 17, 2024

"Operational excellence begins with having the right strategy, but it's realized through relentless focus on execution and continuous...

DMAIC: Framework and Approach to Continuous Improvement

January 19, 2024

Continuous improvement is a systematic and ongoing process to enhance the efficiency, effectiveness, and overall performance of an...

Accelerate Success: Unveiling Continuous Improvement Methodologies

June 5, 2023

While multiple continuous improvement methodologies are used worldwide, they all have one thing in common. They each rely on a scientific...

The Importance of Refueling at the Gemba

April 14, 2022

Continuous improvement work cannot exist in a vacuum. In order for the fire of change to burn hot and bright, it needs a fuel source. The...

"Don’t Ask Me; That’s Not My Job"

February 4, 2022

When was the last time you noticed a “frontline” issue where you work? Whether you work in a hospital, a manufacturing plant, or a grocery...

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Improve DMAIC Process Results with Improvement Software

June 11, 2019

DMAIC is a widely used structured process improvement technique developed at Motorola in the 1980s. It is popular among organizations that...

What is Visual Project Management?

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Howard Earl Gardner is an American developmental psychologist and the former John H. and Elisabeth A. Hobbs Professor of Cognition and...

How Change Management Software Promotes Innovation

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Agility is perhaps one of the most essential qualities of successful modern companies. The ability to adapt to changing marketing...

Common Questions About the Hoshin Kanri X-Matrix

January 23, 2019

Strategy deployment is arguably the most crucial responsibility of business executives. Setting the direction for the organization and...