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How to Become a True Leader (No Matter Your Title)

November 3, 2020

When people talk about the inner workings of organizations, we often use the word “leader” as a shortcut for “executive.” But the truth is,...

Top 10 Techniques for Encouraging Workplace Innovation

October 27, 2020

Innovation in the workplace not only helps companies stay competitive and profitable, but they are also happier workplaces, with...

How To Reduce Waste with More Productive Meetings

October 20, 2020

Even before the pandemic, most American workers felt that they were being forced into wasteful or even counterproductive meetings...

Improvement Culture: 4 Signs of Trouble

October 14, 2020

Modern leaders are fortunate to have a host of proven continuous improvement tools like DMAIC, Standard Work, kanban, Hoshin Kanri, and...

Quality Improvement in Residency Programs

October 12, 2020

I received an interesting call a few weeks back from Bahnsen Miller, MD. Bahnsen is an assistant professor of medicine at the University of...

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Top 10 Tips for Onboarding Remote Employees

October 6, 2020

Many employers put off hiring over the summer, hoping that the COVID-19 situation would improve, and office life would return to normal...

Why Simplicity Was Essential for CI at a Nuclear Plant

September 30, 2020

The principles of Lean and continuous improvement methodologies originated from manufacturing, but there’s no doubt that they have been...

Twitter’s “Blame Processes, Not People” Moment

September 28, 2020

With the blistering speed of this summer’s news cycle, we can’t blame you if you’ve already forgotten about the single largest security...

21 Tweetable Kaizen Quotes to Inspire

September 24, 2020

Did you now that the number of people actively using Twitter is over 270 million? Over 50 million people have joined the social media...