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How is the Lean Methodology Practiced in Healthcare?

September 27, 2022

The Lean methodology is a set of practices, tools, and principles that business leaders initially developed to help manufacturing...

Achieve Alignment with Hoshin Kanri

August 9, 2022

Hoshin Kanri, also known as Policy Deployment, is the Lean approach for ensuring that an organization's strategic goals are driving process...

How to Become a Better Leader by Improving Processes

April 21, 2022

Many books and articles about good leadership focus on interpersonal relationship skills like communication, humility, and empathy. Of...

The Importance of Refueling at the Gemba

April 14, 2022

Continuous improvement work cannot exist in a vacuum. In order for the fire of change to burn hot and bright, it needs a fuel source. The...

Why is Quality Assurance Important?

June 22, 2023

When most people think about quality assurance (QA), they imagine the process of testing products before delivery to the customer. In...

Unleashing Excellence: Growing a Culture of Continuous Improvement

June 5, 2023

Company culture is what makes one organization different from the next. The team's shared values, goals, and expectations contribute to a ...

How to Create a Culture of Accountability & Ownership?

November 17, 2021

Most leaders will agree that a culture of accountability and ownership is essential if the goal is to achieve operational excellence....

How Leader Standard Work Templates Drive Innovation

October 12, 2021

Standard work is the documented and current best way to do a particular task, procedure, or process. Workers develop the standard and...

Wondering Where to Start? 30 Business Process Improvement Examples

March 9, 2021

One thing we hear from leaders who are looking to implement a structured approach to business process improvement is that it is difficult...