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Continuous Improvement Tools, Techniques, and Why You Need Them

July 17, 2023

Continuous improvement is an ongoing effort to enhance processes, products, services, and overall business performance. It is a systematic...

Top 15 Process Improvement Tools to Enhance Workflow Performance

July 13, 2023

Organizations implement process improvement initiatives, using various process improvement tools, to drive operational excellence, enhance...

Using Huddle Boards in Healthcare for Process Improvement 

November 22, 2022

In sports, a huddle happens when the team gathers to strategize before a play. Huddles help everyone know their role in executing the plan...

How Continuous Improvement Software Keeps CI Projects Organized

August 31, 2022

Organizations striving to reach operational excellence through continuous improvement engage in many individual projects to achieve this...

Do You Need PPM or Continuous Improvement Software?

May 10, 2022

There are several technology solutions designed to help companies accelerate improvement initiatives and support business process...

Lean Management System: Principles and Software Tools

May 3, 2022

Organizations have adopted the Lean methodology worldwide to improve work processes, reduce waste, and achieve overall performance...

Three Steps to Applying the A3 Problem-Solving Methodology

December 14, 2021

The A3 problem-solving methodology was first used by Toyota in the 1960s and later embraced by proponents of Total Quality Management, Six...

7 Critical Capabilities of the Best Six Sigma Software

October 18, 2021

Investing in software to support your Six Sigma initiatives is an effective way to ensure that you get the most out of the methodology. In...